Deepdive Voice of the Customer Playbook | Transcription

Kay - Welcome to the experience dialogue. This webinar is a place for healthy discussions and disagreements, but in a very respectful way, just by the nature of how we have conceived, this, you will see the passionate voice of opinions, friends. Having a dialogue and thereby even interrupting each other or finishing each other's sentences at the end of the dialogue. We want to make sure you are the audience to leave with valuable insights and approaches that you can take to your work. continue the discourse on the other social media channels. Today's topic is specific to going into a deep dive in specifically on the voice of the customer Playbook using wise of the customer data to enable us to understand that customer Journeys, which facilitates the ability to keep our customers satisfied and retain our customers to avoid treating our customer's Murmurs, we needed to set up and guarantee the level of support quality, which comes through the voice of the customer Playbook system. There are multiple levels of this Playbook and playbooks generally provide step-by-step guidance that's needed for the standard ways in which an agent, any customer success individual, or anyone who's involved in the customer journey responds in a standardized way. With that I would love to introduce the speaker today, Ashna. Ashna is an emotionally intelligent coach, who came across very well in the first decision that she had. I was also very intrigued with her background coming in from sales and she is a community Builder 4 Cs and as part of Cs Insider and would love to hear from her experience on the voice of the customer Playbook. Welcome, Ashley.
Ashna - Thank you so much K. Good to be here. Excited to be here. Thank you.
Kay - So we can start T off concerning. How do you see it with a customer Playbook and you know what faces, do you see that the revised estimate program?
Ashna - That's a great question. So I think, now, when we talk about what to the customer Playbook, it's really about, I mean, it's kind of, in the name, it's really about that. Capturing those feedback, capturing those moments from the customer set, those expectations with the customer, and then having your processes built around. That so you know as part of your customer Journey which again it was the customer placed throughout your customer journey and as part of your customer Journey, there are many different areas now, we, when, you know, every part of it, there's Playbook But then there's Playbook Within the and these playbooks are processes and the way that voice of the customer plays around is in each of this area of your Customer Journey. How are you capturing information from your customer? And then, you know, making sure that you have Your processor built around it. So to answer your question it means there are different parts but you can start with the onboarding, you know, within the onboarding. There are multiple different playbooks that we can talk about. There's kickoff, there's sales to see as Playbook.And then, you know, as we progress with the onboarding implementation, you know, configuration and pushing the customer to long term success. That's kind of like the ongoing part of the things, then just a high level. There are some other Business Reviews. Play bulk, you know high Outscore lower Health score playbooks.So, really about the health score are asuh of customers journey. And then also, you know, renewal playbook which contains, you know, turn playbooks and even, you know, when there is an expansion and cross those opportunities. So, throughout that Journey, the voice of the customer plays, because you're capturing data from your customers, you have your processes built out so that you can Capture those data, and then you react against it.
Kay - When you talk about processes, Schneider you come from a CSS background, you come in from a sales background, are you going to be covering those two specific areas so, when they hear your experience, do we look at it from those two contexts?
Ashna - Yes, hundred percent. That's a great question. K. Because I believe that, you know, the success of your customer, really starts at the very beginning and also, you know, We see it starts when your customer, your prospects are knocking the door, but to kind of answer your question is that, you know, the hand of that the structure that you need to have defined a design that goes from cells to see s, it needs to be something that, you know, at that works. And you want to make sure that, you know, everybody, all parties involved, all stakeholders involved are on, you know, they understand that structure. You want to make sure that everybody's kind of on the same page. And so, Likely cells to CS handoff. That's something that even we have, you know, done quite a bit of work to implement and we continuously revise and redefine.You know what, we have just to kind of give you an idea in that specific Arena. What we have done is particularly different for a larger scale of the largest customer so Enterprise Sheedy, customers and then also different for SMB, mid market customers, there's a different type of, you know, the handoff and then the playbooks that we created there are a few changes. A little bit of a difference in those, but the sales to CS is about, you know, who's doing, what during this cycle, you know, Celsius playing some part of it, CSS playing some part of it, and I'll give you my example company, we have everything post cells is the customer. Success is handling so onboarding to up, to Renewal to some part of it. Customer success is handling it.So, the cells to see, we make sure that as soon as a prospect becomes a customer the end, CSM is a sign that to onboard that customer csm and sales members are coming together before connecting with the customer. And having that particular hand-off. Now for the, you know, midmarket and smaller team, we have just that, you know, it could just be book questionnaires that salespeople can answer for the CSM.uh What we recommend with the Strategic Customer because a lot is involved, there's a lot of stakeholders. The customer side but they're also involved. We recommend that you take that 1530 minutes on your calendar and have that proper hand-off between, you know, cells to CS. So it's a knowledge transfer session that happens between the cells and CS. Where cells are saying, you know, here's you know, how the deal went years what they want, this is the expectation, this is what we talked about, and here's the plan, here's the end goal for the customer and then CS is taking that. And then, you know, it's almost kind of like, you know, you're going into a war with all the tools and everything that you can. So see us. So that when they do get on that kickoff call, which is the next Playbook After that, they are prepared, they're confident and they know exactly, you know, how to get to the next stage.
Kay - So that's the process that we have so a couple of things that I want to note down, right? So once we look at it as a joint partnership with the customer, it's not going on the water. Every experience we want to make sure our audience hears that the speaker speaks from their background and experience because we had previously, and the handoff, actually, sometimes in some companies, especially to be technically oriented starts much earlier, even at the solutioning, but space. And so the door kind of really, you know, is not a fact. They become a prospect to a customer, but even when they are prospects certain points to that because they are also trying to buy offers and everything. So, when we look at hand-offs, we have to remember the business model. We also have to remember that they support the business model. We also have to remember the product business model. Yeah. Both in mind before the hand of happens, um so in terms of, Setting the right expectations. Is this the fact that you look at it from a value-driven standpoint, are you defining the values here or you're doing it as a next step?
Ashna - That's a great question and just to kind of redo what you mentioned. You're right. I think we also have some areas and some customers that we also try to, you know, do that hand off before that? So I think, generally speaking, it depends, you know, business to business, but you're right, you know, handoffs can be happening beforehand, too. And it's all about. Just make sure that you present that plan that you have in place in front of your customer and you're coming together as a team coming together, you know, from the customers and from the from your business, Community standpoint coming together as a team to Andrea, got another question, I mean, great question. I think the value proposition is throughout the journey. I think you're real, you're defining and redefining the value, you're making sure that you know, the end goal of the customers is continuously discussed and, and some help. Protective Services exactly kept kind of in the center of it. But I would say that you know, part of the onboarding Playbook as I mentioned, one of them, the biggest part is the Celsius handle, but also the kick off that you have with your customer. Now business, this could be different from the way that we have it. You know, after our hand we have ourselves reach out to our customer schedule that time. And what we're doing is we're officially handing off the customer on that kickoff call. CSM and in that kickoff, the call is all about. Here's what we know, here's the expectation, where are you in this process? Where do we need to go? Let's Build That Joint plan, as you mentioned together, and let's build out those timelines around it. And you know, you kind of go from you go further. So the main portion of the beginning, you know, at the beginning of the cycle, or when you are setting and realizing and understanding those values of your customers that ends at the kickoff level. But even before that, you know, cells, and see, we have already been talking about because cells know a lot about, you know what the customer's expectations are, what do they need, what the success looks like for them. So that's, that's been part of the conversation. It's coming together. Now, with the customer at this stage at the kickoff and you know making sure that we're all on the same page and we understand what is success for you and what's going to be the plan going forward?
Kay - Yeah, I love them and always love the findings. W framework, right? So who what? Why how? And then there is a hitch there, but the interesting part in the entire hand-off is defining who is going to play? What roles are we in this together? What is it that we want to achieve but I do want to know how usually the definition of the customer does this? We do this. All of that gets defined, that's perfect. And when is very important because when are we going to achieve it? That's when the right expectations that you talked about earlier come. Yeah, play, right. So yes. When are we going to achieve something like this? And I know you had aum sample here that you would like to share with the audience, which will be there when we have the fine. um, Things. And you can also reshare it, so we will go from there. Soin then you talked a lot about health scores. So tell me from your experience. What defines the health score here?
Ashna - Yeah, that's a great question. And, you know, help scores could be different from company to company, business, or business. I think, there are some generic major parts of Health scores or criteria for say, you know what makes a health score, but how you wait for it, you know, how you wait for your, your score per how you know what criteria are included in the health score. It could be different based on, you know, business requirements and based on the type of products you are based on the type of customers. The way that we have it is we have a higher Health score defined and then lower Health score defined and it's just you know, the criteria that we have included in the health score includes all sorts of it, not just about CS it is as We were discussing earlier. It's also about you knowing those support areas to you because the customer is getting, you know, customers getting support from all parts of the business, you know, from the CS a little bit from the sales as well and also from the support. So we want to make sure that we're capturing all of those into the health score as well. So he'll score for us is, you know, usage adoption their main ones and a 1 is also product and marketing, right?
Kay - So there is yes, well, yes, so there are experts, for example, security companies. There's usually a security person from, you know, compliance companies and stuff like that. But please continue.
Ashna - No, no, that's great Great. great. Correct. Correct. Just wanted to run that. Yes, Lily. uh, That's great. But no, I think it's a lot around usage adoption for us, you know, but we're also kind of doing, you know when was the last time you had an activity with this customer? That's something that we also Target the amount of Engagement that you had with them. You know, Finance is also somewhat involved. Have they paid their views already, you know, then you have support? As I mentioned, what we include from support, is what we call bugs, and other people like we call warranties and warranty. So, you know, how do they have active warranties and effective bugs with us? That's also included and waited somehow if they have cases that many cases open with us or tickets per se and for more than you know, 30 days or whatever, it's for that. That's also defined for us and so that's and also you know main parts surveys. You know we also support doing surveys. We want to make sure that those surveys are also as part of you know what's there whatever. You know The NPS RC sad or satisfaction score sentiments. Do you know what they look like? Then we also include gum. Check, you know sometimes your health score could be high but you know your CSM or your ccsm has a feeling kind of like well I'm not too sure about this customer for this many reasons. There is that then you have you know, if the champion has left that's also involved in the health score, then you have Acquisitions and mergers. If they've gone through that, we want to also, make sure that that's involved. Another major thing that we have is competitors, you know, have they, you know, if we have some insight into competitors that they've been looking at or been working with whatever? That's also something part of them, the health score that we have. So we have waited for this differently based on, you know what we find important. And like I said, it's business. A business could be different, but most of the time, some of these are, you know, really important ones that I have a feeling that you know, a lot of the companies include these types of criteria in their health score two. And then it's just about creating processes and these scenarios and which will be called playbooks. So, what we have is, if the health Or is about the certain line of a certain number. We consider that higher if it's below that then that's lower. And we're continuously tracking those and our CSM's have, you know, Cadence's and playbooks created around those so they can continuously, you know, make that as part of their schedule and going behind them, and then we have built out resources and libraries, you know, accordingly. So that we can pull those resources also and then send it to the customer based on where they are, you know, if they have a for Sample, they have a higher Health score. I mean, that that's an indication that you could be talking about, something more that you can do with the customer. There is some more value that you can provide me. There's an expansion opportunity, maybe there is a cross selling opportunity, you know, in this area or even to help marketing with some, you know, getting some reviews for them or whatnot. And so these are the areas that we have defined, okay? If this is a scenario, this is what you do. This is a scenario, that's what you do. But then again it could change over time. So we're continuously revising and redefining You know, I'd create different processes areas where our csm'scan work.
Kay - That's right. That's the client creating that knowledge, not just creating the knowledge, but also making sure understanding, of which knowledge needs to be improved. Then examined, updating that piece of knowledge as required and that goes, comes back into the feedback from them, saying, hey, this helps us didn't help this needs to. Yeah, so yeah, is it in itself a journey.
Ashna - Yeah, yeah, exactly. I hundred percent and I think and it's a queen back to the topic of the hour west of the customer. It's particularly in this area. Like just imagine how much feedback you're getting, you know, from the customer with all of these. There are different criteria that define a health score but that's also a way for you to get that feedback from your customer, you know. And then you kind of have your processes built out around it.
Kay - So it's I think healthcare is one of the most of the voice of the customer playbooks uhscoring should definitely. It, you know, provides a standardization that nonscoring is not right. So there is a standard way to measure everything. Yes, right? So how is the support experience? How is the customer experience? How is the onboarding experience? was so each one of those, I think scoring definitely helps concerning Sizing and looking at data from multiple angles and also doing analysis on top of it. I loved how, you know, you did touch upon the feedback. So he's right. So there's a lot that can be done by surveys, but now we are also moving towards understanding sentiment in every tourist, and then bubbling up the actual sentiment of that interaction. So, we don't have to necessarily just rely on surveys alone. So 100 on, it's amazing how where the industry is going and there is a lot that we see that's happening on the right path, right? So yeah, that's present, yeah.ThemeForest, just brought out a couple of research and we shared them with our social media, and to State how much customers support customer support experience and customer experience. And Intertwine is at the lowest level in the industry right now. So and how that presents an opportunity to make Leaps and Bounds in that area. So glad we touched upon the Health's scoring part of it in detail. So yeah. So when we talked about onboarding sales to see someone off, we talked about the kickoff process. The five wiseW'sthing.Then we talked about the health scores. Anything else that you would like to see? Have you seen the covered invoice for customer Playbook? playbooks
Ashna - Yeah, I mean, I know, I think it's fun because playbooks have playbooks within them. So it's kind of like, there's just so many that could be involved in it, but I think one of the other ones that I would say is the renewal which is also kind of like, coming back to the circle of the customer's life cycle. Renewals are also really important because and you're going to capture a lot of, you know, a lot of information from your customer whether they're renewing, whether they're churning, whether they're reducing, whether they're, you know, Expanding whatever that may be at the time of renewal, there's going to be a lot of data that is going to be captured from your customer. That's going to Define how your relationship with your customer is going to progress going forward, you know. So I think renewal is also a thought important part of it to kind of give you some more into it. I mean the way that we handle Virgo is all two different parts of it. We have Auto Renewals and then we have manual renewals either way. I think it's important that you are putting enough I guess, you know, you have a process defined so that you are capturing, you know, forecasting. First of all four rules are for scat forecasting. For your customers ahead of time, but then you also kind of like, you know, reaching out ahead of time to make sure that you have enough time and customers also have enough time to work with you. But you also have time to understand where they are and where they need to go. And then you have those options to present them. So I feel like when it comes to renewables, That's why I always recommend that those parts are implemented. Well within your, you know, playbook renewals.
Kay - Let's go a little deeper into this, right? So at the end of the day, support and success professionals are the ones talking to customers. They are the ones who know the gut of the customer. They are the ones who know we did. We provide them the value that we signed up for and are we continuing to provide the same level of value to the customer? Right. Soso during renewal times that value assessment comes back into play, right? So if you can drill a little bit more into tying the value back into the renewal cycle, it'll be great.
Ashna - Yeah. Yeah, 100%. So like I, you know, we talked about throughout the cycle, you know, there's even at the onboarding part of the journey, there's going to be that value assessment. You can be doing that value assessment. Whether it's a, you know, one of them, one of them, one of the practices again. Is also studying whether it's a survey or just like, you know, doing a little bit of a gut check at, you know, how successful this customer is? At the end of that onboarding cycle, when you're moving them into long-term success. So, that's kind of like the value that you've taken from them. If you're going through a business review if you look at Health scores, that the midjourneymade part of the Journey of customers' Journey. When you're looking at a health score, that's also a part of the value, you know, if they're held score is high, but if they have Champion, that's Left. I mean, you know, then that's kind of an area where, you know, I would like to consider that as like, you know, I'm going to put this customer or renewal at risk. Or I'm going to put a little bit more pressure on this, or more attention to this because there might be an area where I might have to resell. We sell it to them, if I don't have the champion that I used to have, things like that, it's important. I think. So all of these areas where you capture this information come back to that rule. And so that what we do is well, we're Advanced and I think a lot of companies are Advanced. You can have triggers and things created. What we have done is based on the health score and based on other criteria that had been talked about. You know, you could have triggers created that indicate that fork at that it's forecasting. Your renewal already. So that, you know, you already have a different set of customers that you can work with. And the way that I it's, you know if the health score is low, I want to Target them at risk, you know, already. And then we're tracking those separately and we're targeting those separately already. So there is a whole different Playbook that we played with that customer ahead of time. One of the things that we also like to do is, you know, sending them out sometimes, you know, for a certain segment of our customers, not all of them, but send six months in advance, whether it's a survey or just a question, like, hey, if you had to renew tomorrow, would you renew with us? And if the answer is, yes, well, then that's your opportunity to do. Castelo Expansions, and other areas that you can work with them. If the answer is no, well, then that's your opportunity and you have six months now to work with them rather than, you know, knocking on their door about renewal 30 days or 60days in advance. So it's kind of like, you know, creating those processes in place, which can kind of help you based on this information that you're capturing based on the value discussions that you've been having, maybe you've had a business review, where you talked about some of the values and you kind of understood that maybe something's happening on the customers business side of the things that might have. Effect in the future, that's your indicator. You know, that's what you want to kind of, you know, take it separately and work towards you knowing that that's almost kind of like marking at risk or maybe, you know, that could be a best case, we're not sure yet. So I think that's a whole another playbook right there for you that you want to, you want to kind of work with them. So that's valuable. The proposition is really important before renewal and also at the time of renewal because even at the time of renewal, you are going to be learning so much from your customer, maybe they will reach out to you six. It's or 90 days in advance that they're like, hey, we're ready to renew but we want to reduce our whatever the contract that we have now, that's a type of whole other discussion that you need to kind of go back and maybe you might have to resell to them
on a certain level. So it's continuously looking at the data that you're capturing. And about, you know, what type of process is what are you going to do about them? And that's part of the plate. But that's all about those processes that need to be in place. Guidelines. You know, when I say processes their guidelines because you don't want to be stuck in that kind of like this is it, but their guidelines. So at least you know what the next steps are, and then you can kind of go from there.
Kay - Yeah. Hardware upselling Hardware was always with a lot of benchmarks and with a little more value-driven even decades ago, I'm so happy to see that software is also getting More value driven because at the end of the day you know gone are the days where you're just buying it for a workflow like buying a database or something like that. So It's wonderful to see that value-driven aspect in every step of the way in a customer's journey and the customer and the transparency right to be able to do that. So thank you so much for your time Ashna. Really appreciate it. Appreciate the time you took to share. ThePlaybook and specifically drink-driving around the voice of the customer. Thank you for your time.
Ashna - Thank you so much for your pleasure.